Serving the Fire Abatement Industry

FTI is well-accustomed to serving the fire abatement industry. We provide leak testing service for fire extinguishers in particular, ensuring that these critical products are fully equipped for use in emergency situations.

fire abatement

Leak Testing Methods for the Fire Abatement Industry

There are two leak-testing methods that are recommended for the initial testing of fire extinguishers. The fire abatement industry is unique, however, as typically a final test is performed in addition to these initial leak tests. Learn more about how FTI meets these industry needs.

Pressure Decay for Gross Leak and Proof Testing of Fire Extinguishers

Before our customers’ fire extinguishers are filled, they go through initial leak testing processes. The purpose of this is to avoid wasting any extinguishing agent on a faulty extinguisher. For this step of the leak testing process, FTI recommends Pressure Decay Leak testing as a capable option. Pressure Decay Leak testing is notable amongst other testing methods due to its simplicity and low cost. We recommend this test as a first choice for a wide range of industries and applications, including fire abatement.

Pressure Differential for Gross Leak and Proof Testing of Fire Extinguishers

The alternative leak testing option that can initially be used for fire extinguishers is pressure differential leak testing. In some cases pressure differential leak testing can offer higher levels of sensitivity than standard pressure decay tests, which is why some clients may prefer this method for their fire extinguishers. Typically pressure differential testing is a testing technique that is noted for its precision, which makes it a popular choice.

Hard Vacuum Inside/Out for Final Leak Testing of Fire Extinguishers

Once the pressure decay or pressure differential tests have been performed, the fire extinguishers can finally be filled. Before our customers’ can deliver their products, however, they must perform one final test to confirm the integrity of the fire extinguishers. We recommend hard vacuum inside/out testing for this final test, as it is capable of detecting leaks as small as needed.

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