Hard Vacuum (Outside-In) Mass Spectrometer

To become your preferred provider of production leak testing systems, Future Technologies presents an expansive variety of testing methods to our customers, including hard vacuum leak testing. Hard vacuum (outside/in) leak testing is capable of detecting leaks as small as E-9 std cc/sec. As an “Outside In” testing method, this type of hard vacuum mass spectrometer test reveals leaks that allow outside elements into a component, making it applicable to electric vehicles for example, as water could potentially leak into the battery.

Advantages of Hard Vacuum Mass Spectrometer (Outside/in) Leak Testing

Lower Tooling Cost Than Inside/Out Tooling

While Hard Vacuum (Outside/In) Mass Spectrometer leak testing shares many similarities with hard vacuum (Inside/Out), a key difference between the two tests is that hard vacuum (outside/in) mass spectrometer testing is significantly lower in tooling costs.

High Sensitivity

One of the most notable advantages of Hard vacuum mass spectrometer testing is that this method is highly sensitive. While this method does not pinpoint the exact location of leaks, it will be exactingly accurate in detecting even the most miniscule leaks present during testing.

Temperature and Time Independent

Yet another reason to consider hard vacuum (outside/in) as your leak testing method of choice is that this leak test is both temperature and time independent. By not being as dependent on factors such as temperature and time as other methods, this leak test is capable of meeting high standards for flexibility and adaptability.

Why Use a Helium-Based Leak Detection Method Like Hard Vacuum (Outside/In) Testing?

There are many benefits associated with using a Helium based leak detection method such as hard vacuum mass spectrometer testing. A selection of these advantages is presented below:

  • Inert Properties
  • Abundant Supply (Welding Grade) & Readily Available
  • Reasonable Price
  • Dry
  • Low Natural Background (5ppm)
  • No Restrictions On Emissions

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