Differential pressure tests are used to sense the difference between two measured points. When analysing pressure sources, pressure differential tests calculate the difference in the pressure between multiple sources. When the pressure reaches a set point, a switch will trigger an alarm to alert the user that the pressure has changed and a leak has been detected.

At Future Technologies, Inc., we take this leak testing technology and optimize it for our customers’ needs. Explore how our pressure differential testing equipment can be used to benefit you:
Advantages of Choosing FTI For Your Pressure Differential Leak Testing Needs
- Robust and Reliable Machines
- Immediate world-class service and support
- In-Depth Training
- On-Time Delivery
- All-Inclusive Pricing
“Design For Flexibility” and “Design For Maintainability”
FTI uses off-the-shelf non-proprietary components and software, coupled with a straightforward “open” system design in all of our leak-testing methods, including pressure differential leak testing technology. This provides our customers with the option of servicing the systems themselves, ready access to service components, and minimal service-related down-time. Consider these FTI Advantages when searching for a pressure differential leak testing provider.
Pressure Differential Testing Offers dP and dP/dT Options
For a leak testing system that will provide both dP and dP/dT testing options, look no further than pressure differential testing. With dP reporting the “pressure drops” over time, and the dP/dT test measuring and reporting the average pressure loss per second, pressure differential leak testing is a thorough method to invest in.
Customizable Pressure Differential Leak Test Systems for Any Industry Testing Needs
Differential pressure leak testing systems are highly customizable. As a result, these systems can be used across various industries, from the automotive sector to the medical industry. This effective method is ideal for applications that require adaptability, and FTI is the flexible supplier that can provide you with a perfect match.
Pressure Differential Testing Offers Ideal Sensitivity
In some cases, pressure differential leak testing can offer higher levels of sensitivity than standard pressure decay tests. The size of the part being tested can impact the sensitivity of the test, but typically pressure differential testing is a testing technique that is noted for its precision, which makes it a popular choice among our customers.