We offer educational seminars in the area of Non-Destructive, End-of-Line Production Leak Detection Systems.
Our staff offers years of experience and knowledge in the leak testing industry and we welcome your engineering and maintenance staff. Seminars can be held here at FTI or we can visit your facility for the presentation.
Trust Our Qualified Team
Having sold, designed, and built hundreds of leak-testing systems, the FTI partners and their team of engineers, technicians, and sales engineers have learned the capability and limitations of the various leak-testing techniques available in the market. We use this experience as the basis for the seminar.
What Does an FTI Seminar Entail?
After FTI training, our customers are able to select the most economical and effective method for their leak-testing applications and come away with a basic understanding of the most widely used leak-testing methods. Equally important, during training they acquire the tools necessary to eliminate leak-testing methods that will not satisfy their specific needs.
Because there are many leak-testing techniques available we make sure that every trainee is exposed to at least nine of them during training. Most manufacturing personnel know something about leak testing, but many do not have a broad view of what is available and how to choose a method.
This seminar is designed to give you an overall view of production leak testing without getting into tedious details or high level math and science, and more scientific and in-depth sessions are available upon request.
Who Can Benefit From an FTI Training Session?
Anyone involved in the purchasing or manufacturing of components which require leak testing can benefit from an FTI training session. Before a Leak-Testing Machine is purchased we suggest Engineering, QA, Maintenance, and Purchasing Personnel teams attend one of our seminars. After a Leak-Testing Machine is purchased the ideal attendees are Engineers, QA personnel, Maintenance teams, Line Leaders, Set-up Crew, and Operators.
Bring your next leak-testing challenge and present it to us at the end of one of our seminars. We will work with you to arrive at the most effective solution for your needs. Contact us and we’ll work with you to put together an informative leak test seminar specified to your needs.
Schedule your Leak Testing Seminar Today!